Monday, July 30, 2012

Cryptozoology and Essays on Human Existence: Atti

Atti! How many names must I call, till you turn that long neck? All the other beasts lent their last pelts to you. Still I debated: Zebra? Girafe? Okapi? Safari wishes always fall though. I always choose African Unicorn, over you.

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Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Cryptozoology and Essays on Human Existence: Andean wolf

Andean wolf! We speculated you into extinction. Man never lets the lone wolf state his case. Ooh how that one pelt fell over my lap, as I wore it and destroyed all your evidence. Your dried skull, still, is longer than my list of former wolves and lovers. 

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Trail Rides

You are the
stubborn horse
led to the water,
I could never
get you to drink.
We were never
stall mates
Countless hours wasted,
mucking out your
lonely stall.
My reward of
muddy jeans
and misplaced straw,
has long needed
to go out
to pasture.
Go ahead,
bloat your belly
and Ill tighten
the cinch.
Keep flicking my kisses off,
like flies chewing on ears.
No more sugarcubes
and bare back rides,
you take me on a
trail ride again.

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Ruined Meals, I wanted the last bite

The smell of
unsure breakfasts,
I made for you.
Always haunt my
in the morning.
All batted eyes
and kissy lips
slipped through my fingers,
like that damn spatula.
Always slippery,
when greased
with your expectations. 
You left your
dirty dishes in the sink,
and I watched it
pile up.
All that uneaten food,
a history of our home,
in stains.
All that pancake batter,
sticking to my apron,
like your hand always
stuck to my thigh.
No one said grace,
at that kitchen table.
No napkin fell from
your lap
you left,
a hungry man.
No, I don't salivate,
at the smell of
I wont feed you anymore.

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Cryptozoology and Essays on Human Existence: Amomongo

Amomongo! Always dragging those long nails through the entrails of my livestock. Always the question, man or primate. Always, a strand of fur, left on my cave floor. When? When? When can we have the night back?

Monday, July 2, 2012

Cryptozoology and Essays on Human Existence:Ameranthropoides loysi

Ameranthropoides loysi! I'll kick the stick from under your chin. Fall forward. We both know, hoaxes don't photograph well, unless posed. Save 32 teeth, shrubs, and branches, for the last four adventurers.

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